Reiner and the pilates-contrology-forum

by Brett Miller


With over 5300 participants, the pilates-contrology-forum on Facebook is the largest and most popular forum in the Pilates Industry.  With only certified Pilates teachers admitted to the group, the forum provides a place of connection, continual learning and a sounding board for those who have questions.

The founder of the forum?  Oh, did you need to ask?  Of course, it is Reiner Grootenhuis, now a highly visible person on the Pilates landscape.  I became aware of him two years ago through Eme Cole, when I founded Pilates Intel.  Given that we all know him, but know little about him, I thought I would take the chance to present him to you!

The most surprising fact I learned about Reiner is that he is relatively new to the Pilates profession.

Reiner starts Pilates

As a younger man he studied psychology and then ran his own Kung Fu Weng Chun school. He worked in parallel at a PR agency – and soon learned that working two jobs might be a bit too intense.  So he sold his Kung Fu school and pursued a career in marketing, where he enjoyed great success, but DID NOT enjoy getting fat and immobile.

It was in 2005 that he set about changing his unhealthy ways, and started with a Pilates DVD, and joined a Pilates class held at work.   The depth and thoroughness of the system caught his fancy tremendously.

Ok, short important fact….Reiner is the kind of guy that when he finds something he likes, he pours his entire heart and soul into learning everything possible about it.

“I asked my teacher many questions about all of the exercises, but it became clear she had a limited knowledge.  Looking further, I found BASI trained Mario Alfonso.” Rather whimsically after having had his first private lessons, he signed up for the comprehensive BASI Pilates training program.  “My ambition was not to be a teacher, but to learn the technique deeply. I understood the dedication involved in learning an art from my kung fu days, and it was with this approach that I wanted to learn Pilates.  I wanted to feel it in every cell of my body! And since I was 40, I felt it urgent to do it quickly.

“I was accepted into BASI training program, held by Miriam Friedrich Honorio. It was very small, and I was fortunate to get individual attention. Later I met Rael and learned from him that the certificate is just a learner’s permit, and that the learning was a lifelong endeavor.

“While training, I still had no ambition to teach, thinking I might teach a little in retirement.  But things changed when I performed the program’s mandatory teaching hours at my workplace.  I was astonished to see the dramatic results in the people I worked with, especially in a colleague with scoliosis.  The teaching appealed to that part of me that wants to help people.”

Reiner went on to open his own studio in 2012, when his employer offered a voluntary redundancy package.  “I thought to myself…… was now or never – and I made the leap.”


The birth of a forum

“Early in 2011, while still studying, Verena Geweniger, the president of the Germany Pilates Association, was looking for a person to help with a German Pilates Forum, and I agreed.  While at first open to all, the decision was made to allow only members of the Association to participate.  I was not even allowed to participate because I was not a member.”  Reiner was disappointed and frustrated, “I felt that this cannot be right.  So that night, I opened my own internet, open for everybody.”Lolita, Lisa and me

The evolution to a Facebook forum for Pilates teachers began with Lolita San Miguel in early 2012, when she asked Reiner for assistance with her Monchengladbach event.  “I was very pleased to meet so many high profile personalities within the Pilates Industry, and I became friends with many.  During a talk, Lolita encouraged us to use social media to stay in touch with each other.  That was the catalyst for me to start the pilatescontrology-forum on Facebook.  This was still while I was in training, before I knew that I

wanted to teach. I just did it as a service to the Pilates community.”

“The response was wonderful, the forum attracted highly knowledgeable people. It was impressive and fulfilled my original vision.  I was, and am, pleased with the value of being able to place a question and receive a solid answer within an hour.”

Ups and Downs

But it is not always smooth sailing.  For example, some very knowledgeable members left due to the occasional negativity of some other member.  “It was sad,” explains Reiner, “but to alleviate the situation I asked other people to help me, acting as moderators.” Currently working for the forum are Patricia Massey Welter, Glaucia Adriana, Jörg Arnold and Kevin Bowen, one of the founders of the PMA.

I myself had an experience when I posted a Pilates Intel article on the forum, a few members became highly critical….it felt like an ambush, and the thread had to be eventually closed by one of the moderators.

I ask Reiner why he thinks there is ugliness on the forum?

“There are always people that get off by letting others know that they are more brilliant,” he answers. “One of my psychology professor said that there are two motivations for writing – one is to inform others and the other is to display superiority.   Unfortunately the latter group repels the former.  In addition, the semi-anonymous environment can embolden people, fostering misunderstandings that quickly morph into a vicious circle.

“I am not by nature authoritative and resist getting involved as ‘the boss’ when conflicts occur.  I learned to be more assertive and I, or another moderator, act swiftly if a post is hijacked or I see bullying behavior. It is actually a lot of work. We moderators communicate regularly to insure that we take actions that are just and balanced, being careful not to let our personal feelings come into play. “


Getting Big

I felt rather happy to help Reiner in what I thought was his quest to grow the forum.  But he lets me know that while every Pilates instructor is welcome, he has no ambition for the forum to grow.  “I do want many people know that the pilates-contrology-forum IMG_0023 (1)exists, but am concerned the forum is too large. There is a potential that it becomes too impersonal, or that it becomes a stage for just a few people.  I would rather that people who do not love the group would leave so that the forum can remain a supportive place of connection and open dialogue.”

Reiner’s dedication of time and energy behind the scenes of the pilates-contrology-forum, along with the other moderators, is pure service to the Pilates community. With no ambition to monetize the forum, all time spent is strictly voluntary.  I am touched by Reiner’s generous and positive personality, and to end the interview I ask if there is something the community can do to thank him?

Reiner chuckles good-naturedly, “I only ask that people continue to behave well on the forum, it makes our job much easier.  And Brett, I applaud your newsletter and your videoontheReformer, your honesty is very appealing.”

Great, it seems we are mutual admirers….and Reiner, I promise to behave on the forum!




All certified Pilates instructors are welcome to join thepilatescontrolgy forum, and it is easy to do. Just place a request there on the page, and be sure to send a link or document to verify that you are a Pilates professional.