November 7, 2018

In Memory of the Great Bob Liekens

(this is the Pilates Intel edition from Nov 7 in its entirety)

Hello ,

For the few of you who have not heard the news, you now most likely have guessed from the title that the wonderful Bob Liekens passed away last week, rocking the Pilates world to its core. And for good reason since Bob has been a HUGE and beneficial figure since the 1980’s when he worked closely with Romana.

And so this Pilates Intel edition is dedicated to the memory of Bob, with words from Christina Maria Gadar, Petra Karlsson and Trisha O’Donnell and me.

Please take moment to enjoy the pictures, quotes and messages of love to Bob, as well as the video made by Bob’s colleagues at The Pilates Standard. And then as life moves forward, do you best to make it a great day, week, and life … like Bob.



Words from Brett

Earlier this year Bob and I worked together to produce two EXCELLENT Pilates Intel editions:

In the process, we recognized in each other a commitment to quality and correctness – something we both enjoyed very much. Also, I was a student in Bob’s LEAP course here in Europe, a program where I certainly deepened my knowledge of Pilates and learned lots of fun “forbidden-by-more-modern-pilates” kind of exercises under his guidance.

On top of his expertise, Bob was simply a very down-to-earth nice guy who was always ready to have a good time while working hard … who does not like that?

For me to say that Bob was my friend is a stretch I am not comfortable making. But I liked and respected him, very much. And I believe the feeling was mutual.

I knew Bob for a little over a year and, in that time, came to see that he had had great success in life. Bob, along with colleagues all over Europe, was very active in leading The Pilates Standard, based in Sweden. It seemed to me this organization was where he felt most at home. He was loved and respected dearly, and he returned that affection. He was proud of what he and they had achieved and looked forward to continuing that work.

If I had a chance to say last words to Bob, they would have been:

Congratulations Bob on a life well lived. That people worldwide love and appreciate you is a testament to the great benefit you have spread while you were here. I hope I can be at least a little like you. Thank you for everything, dear man, I am pleased to have had the chance to be with you. Really big hug.


Words from Christina Maria Gadar

Bob was a huge influence on my teaching. He had left the Pilates Studio at 2121 Broadway when I went to work with Romana in 2000, but I didn’t let that stop me from seeking his expertise. I visited him at his new location in New York to observe and study from him when I was done at Drago’s.

He came to my hometown (Sarasota, Florida) in May 2017 and again in 2018. I did my best to soak in as much as I could during his last visit because he was about to relocate to Italy and I didn’t know when I would see him again. He was so excited about his future and I was so happy for him.

As with Romana, he lives on in the teaching of his students. He taught with a clarity that I really appreciated. I use so many of his creative verbal prompts each and every day. He will be missed deeply by so many.

“Rembrandt used only 4 colors. Be the Rembrandt of Pilates.”

~Bob Liekens, LEAP October 2018


Bob works with Romana

“Don’t try so hard, it’s *only* Pilates.”

~Bob Liekens

Petra Karlsson’s poignant words on The Pilates Standard’s Facebook Page

Dear colleagues and Pilates friends!

It is with a broken heart you receive this information. As you probably have heard or seen already our Master, friend and dear colleague Bob Liekens is no longer with us and we are all in a big shock. What we know is that he passed away in his home in Florence, probably from a heart attack during the night.

He recently moved from the big apple NY to Florence to enjoy life, paint and be close to his family. His life has been dedicated to pass the legacy of the Pilates Method all over the world. The way he was taught by Romana and the way she talked about Uncle Joe have been the core in the way he talked and taught all of us teachers who shown the interest of the Pilates method.


Bob with his Pilates Standard Colleagues Petra, Bigna, Bernd and Tony goofing off!

I met Bob the first time 2004, already that first time I new he was the one to follow, to have as THE teacher. The last 5 years I have had the opportunity to work very closely with him, we’ve spent many hours, probably the same way he sat with Romana to get all her knowledge down into written, to write down his knowledge as much as possible. We created the school “The Pilates Standard” and the LEAP program together and I know he was very proud of this work and that he got all of this on paper so the work can go on. For me I´m really thankful for what we accomplished and off course to get to know the warm person that really enjoyed the best things in life.

I know that his family, dear friends and teachers all over the world will miss him dearly. He wouldn’t have enjoyed the work as much if it wasn’t for all of you, keeping him interested and inspired. And once in a while drank a glass of wine and eating dessert. I made him one promise when we started our journey together, TO ENSURE THE LEGACY. So, I hope you will keep passing on The Legacy , spreading the word of classical Pilates, staying true to the method and honor the work that he put into our hands.

Together we will make it!

Warm regards/
Petra Karlsson
The Pilates Standard

Take this 4 minutes video to remember, maybe with a glass of good wine and say cheers Bob – Thanks for all!

“If you fall, the ground will catch you.”

~Bob Liekens


Bob works with Romana


1999 workshop with Mejo Wiggin


Words from Trisha O’Donnell

Bob was a mentor and friend for 21 years. He molded me as an instructor, student, and person. “I cannot” was not in his vocabulary. Bob selflessly shared his teachings with thousands. He had integrity, passion, and a huge spirit which was loved by all. Words will not describe how much he will be missed. God bless him.

Bob with his original students Ali Daniels, Tricia O’Donnell, and Gina Papalia – October 2018 LEAP

“Honor every position.”

~Bob Liekens


10 day intensive 1997 S.U.N.Y. Purchase

Bob Liekens had been teaching the Pilates Method, and keeping it classical, for over thirty years.
Born and raised in Belgium, Bob received his degree in dance from the Rotterdam Academy of Dance in The Netherlands in 1981. He relocated to New York City to further his dance career in 1983 and that same year was introduced to classical Pilates Method at Romana Kryzanowska´s Pilates Studio.
At that time, Pilates was still under the public radar, and there was no formal teacher training program. In 1986, after three years of regular practice under her guidance, Bob was honored when Romana personally invited him to start teaching at her studio.
In 1993, he collaborated with Romana in the creation of the first Pilates teacher training program and assisted her in writing the teacher training manual. The process of writing the manual, which took place over two-year period, gave Bob the unique opportunity to sit with Romana in her Kitchen and review each exercise. This experience allowed Bob to see the logic behind the structure and the variations in the Method and enables him to articulate this in a way that others can understand.
Since then, he had continued to lead teacher training seminars and continuing education workshops nationally and internationally. A teacher´s teacher, he earned the respect of students, instructors and teacher trainers worldwide for clarity, depth and precision of his teaching, as well as his dedication to preserving the integrity of the Method as learned from Romana.
Believing that a true teacher remains always a student – and that genuine understanding requires constant questioning, investigation and exploration – Bob took the work deeper through parallel studies of dance, anatomy, yoga and his first love, the visual arts of drawing and painting.