Issue #251 – Cat Pilates!

Brett’s year-end greeting to subscribers.

December 19, 2018

This past weekend, I decided to be a little silly by putting on my best Santa hat and introducing Pilates to our recently adopted cats, Thompson and Nancy.
By the way, I can report that the living situation in our home has improved tremendously since Nancy and Thompson arrived; we are all head over heels in love with each other!
Anyway, back to the cat Pilates.  One thing for sure is that cats are just like people, they certainly would rather have a kiss than do Pilates – as Thompson very keenly demonstrates here here as I try to get him to do chair work!
As for Nancy, she found the Reformer to be a great experience, as long as someone else was doing the work!
After their workout, Nancy and Thompson were eager to get back to their napping, but it was fun while it lasted!
This is the last Pilates Intel edition for 2018, short and sweet! Thank you for being a subscriber!  Have a great holiday season and we will be back next year on January 16th with more Pilates Intel greatness!!