Issue #322 – Wednesday, January 20, 2021
Active Opposition
(an exercise I was inspired to create by watching a video from Alycea Ungaro)
by Brett Miller
Today I am sharing an example of what I call “building block exercises”. These are simple, but by no means trivial, exercises that if you practice them will give you a deeper understanding into the art that Pilates is and it will help you be more successful and have more fun doing more advanced exercises down the road.
In my teaching, I talk a lot about a lift ‘up and under the navel’ (which I learned from my study of the ‘classical’ technique – and is a reason why I love it!).
The simple exercise that I call ‘active opposition’ applies this idea in spades.
I created this exercise long ago after watching from a video by Alycea Ungaro – where she demonstrated so CLEARLY opposition.
ALSO, I am teaching this exercise from my own understanding.
Let’s start!!!!
1. Sit with your legs crossed with your arms stretching upwards with a support from the deep center – doing your best to release in the hips, the spine is vertical with the head balanced at the top.

2. Start the exercise with a deep lift ‘up and under the navel’…..
Really important detail…the exercise starts from deep within.
3. That lift ‘up and under’ will cause your lower back to move backward and your head to come down, accentuate that movement by stretching the arms forward – continue to pull back.
Really important detail…it is the lift in the center that takes the upper body down.
It is not the head and arms ‘just’ coming forward.

Now you are working in Active Opposition.
3. Deepen into the active opposition for a few seconds – stretch the arms MORE while relaxing the shoulders, and pull back MORE….look deeply at what you are doing.

And it is HERE that we find one of those moments that make Pilates really great, and special….
We are talking a potential cosmic experience!!!
by THOUGHTFULLY ‘pulling and lifting back’ while stretching forward….always learning and growing in awareness about Active Opposition.
Oh my goodness, I got excited and I am really quite pleased with myself, please let me take a moment to regain my composure before we finish the exercise…..
Ok, I am back on Earth, thank you for waiting – let’s finish up!!.
4.Diminish the ‘lift and pulling back’ to articulate the spine SLOWLY back to a long vertical spine, easy hip joints with the head balanced at the top.

‘Active opposition’ is fun and interesting on its own, but a deeper understanding of this concept will take you far into doing more advanced exercises.
Want to see the exercise in full? Have a look at my 3 minute YouTube tutorial!!
Brett Miller is the founder of Pilates Intel, he started his professional life in the world of ballet, working with various companies in the US. Later on he moved to New York and branched out into modern along with the ballet. Since then, he has lived in Finland and now in Stockholm Sweden.
Brett became a Pilates instructor in 2005 and has been teaching ever since. The intelligent technique that Pilates is, and the chance to continue to be physical, attracted him to this field after being so long in the dance world. Along with teaching Pilates and publishing Pilates Intel, Brett as a software developer for Ericsson.