Issue #385 – Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Sharry Traver Underwood’s notes from Joe’s Jacob’s Pillow classes
(as posted by Jonathan Grubb)
With the very kind permission of Sharry Traver Underwood and with the assistance of the Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival Archives, I am delighted to bring you Sharry’s notes that she made when she attended Joe’s classes at Jacob’s Pillow in 1942!
What an amazing step back in time this is and it is interesting to spot the differences in this list of 33 exercises compared to the 34 in Joe’s book. (For those who struggle to spot the differences I would be happy to share a further post pointing them out).
Enjoy reading them and please feel free to share this original post on Facebook, however, please note that they have been kindly provided for research and study purposes only and they cannot therefore be reproduced elsewhere without obtaining permission from Sharry.
Note from Brett – we have such permission.
All the attached images courtesy of Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival Archives.

Jonathan Grubb was born in England in 1962 and has lived on the Isle of Man since he was two years old. His great grandfather Jakob Grub was interned on the Isle of Man until 28 August 1919 in the same camp as Joseph Pilates.
In his younger days Jonathan was a keen amateur sportsman and particularly excelled at football (soccer), representing the Isle of Man in international games on numerous occasions. An anterior cruciate ligament injury sustained towards the end of his playing days led him to discover Pilates and he has been a passionate practitioner ever since. He has traveled to various countries to attend conferences and courses and been fortunate to be mentored by very experienced local teachers.
Having previously been an advanced instructor for several years in the Wu family style of tai chi chuan, Jonathan is currently studying to become a Pilates teacher with MKPilates and his teaching has been enthusiastically welcomed in classes throughout the island already. More on the story of Knockaloe Internment Camp can be found at knockaloe.imCheckout Jonathon’s Facebook page Joseph’s Legacy – Pilates 100 +!