Let’s play a game. I give you a list of words and you figure out the common thread. Russian Splits, Teaser, Snake, Star, Front Support, High Bridge, Control Balance Yes, all of these are Pilates exercises (you got that, I am sure) and all of them demonstrate muscular balance and […]
Getting Real with Deborah Lessen
Deborah Lessen has been around for a long, long time, and she is to me a cult figure in the Pilates world. I see her as the unofficial grand ‘teacher of teachers’ because she is sought after by many ‘big Pilates names’. I met Deborah last year at the PMA […]
The Pilates Wunda Chair™ – By Kathy Corey
Originally designed as the first piece of Pilates home exercise equipment and a living room chair for small New York apartments, the Wunda Chair is certainly one of the most challenging and effective pieces of Pilates equipment. Because Mr. Pilates wanted his program to be accessible to everyone, he created […]
Mental Matwork – by Eme Cole
Take a moment to sit relaxed on a mat with your legs straight out in front of you. Picture your favorite color and imagine that color filling your toes. Follow that color as it travels through your feet, your ankles up your shins, knees, hips, through your pelvis, abdomen and […]
My View of the Pilates Learning Process – by Christina Maria Gadar
When I was about fifteen years old my ballet school started to offer Pilates mat classes. This sounds great to me now, but back then I was a bunhead that only had time for ballet. I remember cutting many of those Pilates mat classes to practice my pointe work in […]
A Challenge for the ‘Pilates People’ – by Brett Miller
I think that most of us know the general frustration in our community over the fact that Pilates is often bent and twisted into something that is unrecognizable, but branded with that buzz-word ‘Pilates’ and hustled out to an unknowing public. Most are also aware that within our industry there […]
Just a Bunch Of Stretching, Huh?!?! – By Sunni Almond
I want to thank a new client for bringing up AGAIN for about the millionth time since I’ve been on the Pilates path that the general word on the street is that Pilates is JUST A BUNCH OF STRETCHING. Quelle Horreur! She strolled into the studio and I asked her […]
Balance – It’s More Than Core – by James Crader
I was a Myofascial Release Therapist long before I ever taught my first Teaser. A few years ago I was working with a client who came to me with balance issues due to traumatic brain injury. In John F. Barnes’ approach to Myofascial Release there’s a technique we use for […]
There Is No Pilates Breathing! By Bob Hannum
I know what you’re thinking. This guy’s nuts! Joe Pilates emphasized breathing above all else as found in his books and films, and as told by Pilates Elders. But stay with me a moment, because as surprising as it sounds, I think you’ll agree! The Cardinal Principle Breathing was so […]
The Pedi Pole – by Kathy Corey
When I first started Pilates over 36 years ago, my back was in terrible shape. Due to a 30-degree scoliosis, one side of my back was overdeveloped and rigid while the other side was hyper-flexible. Coming from a dance background, I compensated by cheating my way through the movements which […]
Clients Who Have a Budget, But Still NEED Their Pilates – By Chelsea Streifeneder
This past month I taught a Pilates Mat Class at Athleta in their new Albany, NY store. It was fun to teach out of the studio and for a Sunday morning we had quite the turn out. I was very pleased to meet some new Pilates Junkies in the community […]
Not The Heart and Not The Body, But Heart and Body – by Jessie Lee
From the heart and guts No words can describe my first encounter at the hospital in Copenhagen, with the young wounded men returning from Afghanistan. Time stood still, as I listened to the soldiers telling their personal stories and showing us their injuries with sincerity I have not come across […]
Old Dog – New Trick: Pilates equipment – A Brief Historical Overview – By Kevin Bowen
Old Dog – New Trick: Pilates equipment – A Brief Historical Overview by Kevin Bowen Apr 13, 2015 As we all know throughout the years Pilates equipment has evolved and changed – some in the profession feel that this is for the best and others feel that the original design […]
Building A Positive Studio Culture – By Dana Auriemma
A Pilates studio can be such a special place! A place of learning, healing, and growing. A place of personal connections and triumphs. A place that changes lives and a place where both clients and teachers are able to thrive! But a studio like this only exists when a positive […]
Classical v. Contemporary Pilates – by Karena Thek
My partner, John who is a retired Military Officer, asked me a question a year or so ago that spurred a discussion on the difference between Classical and Contemporary Pilates. John, being from the military world and me, being from the Pilates world — I was left to do my […]
Pilates Gives Back – THE RESULTS ARE IN! – by Marie Wittman
On September 20th, 2014 the Authentic Pilates Union organized its second annual Pilates Gives Back Day. As you may remember reading in an earlier Pilates Intel article, we were merely facilitating a global effort within our Pilates community. It was Pilates teachers and enthusiasts who opened their studios to their […]
Words from Clare Dunphy Hemani
I came to Pilates in (what I thought was) the “usual way”. The year was 1995. The place was Drago’s Gym in New York City. Pilates was still beneath the radar in the US so most people had never even heard the word “Pilates”. Fast forward 20 years, and we […]
Return to Life – A Requirement for All Pilates Teachers? Pt 4 – Stott Continued and THE END by Brett Miller
Today I present the fourth and very last article on the series on the requirement for any person who says they teach Pilates to read Joe Pilates’ ‘Return to Life’. In the last article we heard from Stott, and my acceptance of their invitation to ask further questions, as their […]
My Journey in the BASI ProBridge Program – by Elizabeth Brown PMA-CPT
In January 2014 I completed the world-renowned BASI ProBridge Program with Rael Isacowitz. My practice of Pilates was completely transformed after spending 2 separate long weeks at the BASI Academy. I have a new found love of the method that for me had been growing stale. I had been teaching […]
Return to Life – A Requirement for All Pilates Teachers? Pt 3 – the Story of Stott
Today we continue with the investigation of the phenomenon of people pursuing a career in Pilates while having no motivation to read ‘Return to Life’, the signature work of the very man whose name they use daily and whose technique they say they teach. My method was to reach out […]
7 Simple Steps to Attract More Clients with Your Pilates Website – by Anastasiya Goers
A couple of weeks ago I was talking to the owner of a fashionable clothing line. She shared her frustration with me about finding a Pilates studio to take classes at while traveling. When she searched local results (in California, so we are not talking about some backwoods town in […]
Return to Life – A Requirement for All Pilates Teachers? Pt 2 – BASI and Balanced Body – by Brett Miller
Today we continue with the investigation of the phenomenon of people pursuing a career in Pilates while having no motivation to read ‘Return to Life’, the signature work of the very man whose name they use daily and whose technique they say they teach. My method was to reach out […]
Return to Life – A Requirement for All Pilates Teachers? by Brett Miller
A while back I got to talking a bit with a young lady enrolled in a Pilates training program. In the conversation, she mentioned “This brand of training took all the dangerous parts of Pilates’ technique out and thus made it better”. Stunned by the bluntness of what I considered […]
What Did You Do to Deserve Your Legs Today? – by Karena Thek
These are the words looking up at me from a soldier’s t-shirt. “What did you do to deserve your legs today?” I can’t help but silently try to answer that question. Did I use my legs to simply get here? Or did I actually use them? Did I actually do […]
Lolita San Miguel – Twelve Hours is Not A Lot, Honey
I am talking to Lolita San Miguel on a warm Florida day for her, and a dark Swedish evening for me. She is happy eating macadamia nuts while she talks to me and apologizes for that….but she has very good manners and I tell her it is okay. The purpose […]
Helping Athletes to Move Better – James Crader
(The second of an article series) For the sake of our Pilates for Athletes discussion I thought it would be interesting to teach two young athletes who’d never experienced Pilates and then interview them before and after their first Pilates session. C.S. is a 6’9” freshmen basketball player (center […]
Reiner and the pilates-contrology-forum – Brett Miller
Reiner and the pilates-contrology-forum by Brett Miller With over 5300 participants, the pilates-contrology-forum on Facebook is the largest and most popular forum in the Pilates Industry. With only certified Pilates teachers admitted to the group, the forum provides a place of connection, continual learning and a sounding board for […]
Spiraldynamik and Pilates – Anna Schrefl
1. Spiraldynamik® – the architecture of movement At one point in our history we decided to get up. We started to walk and run on two legs. In doing so, we have also chosen a certain way of locomotion. Yes, we also could […]
The Story of my Dual Career – Kimberly Mills
Having two careers is something I’ve always done. Sometimes I can’t even imagine what it would be like to be able to come home from one job and have nothing else to do. It started off 15 years ago with me being an aspiring Dancer and Accountant. Then I […]
Rhythm is Gonna Get You – Lisa Hubbard
I was inspired to develop Rhythm Pilates after presenting at the Asian Fitness Education Expo, Hong Kong in 2008. The presenters that incorporated music to their classes were more fun and wildly popular. There is an undeniable excitement and energy when uplifting music is incorporated to a Pilates […]
Showing Off Your Education & Expertise – Dana Auriemma
Here you stand (or sit perhaps), a well-educated Pilates instructor. You attended a respected teacher-training program. You observed and practiced under the guidance of one or more highly regarded Pilates mentors. And now you are a talented teacher, passionately working with clients every day and teaching them what you know. […]
Pull Straps and T: The Classical POV – Andrea Maida
Well, for the record, Pull Straps and T (also called Arms Pulling Straps) have been high on my list of most loathed exercises for the majority of my Pilates career. Slowly over the last couple of years we have become better friends and I suspect one day I may even […]
Arms Pulling Straps and the One Spring Rule – by Brett Miller
Let us talk about arms-pulling-straps, a very well-known exercise on preformed on the Reformer, using the long box. Arms-pulling-straps can easily be mistaken for an arm and shoulder exercise, but in fact it is an activity for the whole body. It is important to remember that while the arms are […]
Helping Athletes to Move Better – James Crader
One of the first remarkable quotes I remember hearing from my first Pilates Instructor was, “Pilates is about what to let go of more than what to contract.” Not only is that just a golden rule by which to govern life, but it’s a phrase that enters my thoughts often […]
The Pilates Golf Athlete – Karena Thek
I never really meant to play golf. I grew up understanding that Golfstands for “Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden”. And then completely by accident, or a wrong turn at Albuquerque, I found myself trying to survive the scariest place on earth: a golf course. I am spending a lot of time as a […]
The Pilates Golf Athlete – Karena Thek
The Pilates Golf Athlete by Karena Thek I never really meant to play golf. I grew up understanding that Golf stands for “Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden”. And then completely by accident, or a wrong turn at Albuquerque, I found myself trying to survive the scariest place on earth: a golf […]
Everything Old is New Again – Alycea Ungaro
Hang on folks. I’m going to make a few generalizations here. No offense intended to anyone. My intention is to get you thinking and to elevate our industry so if you don’t mind, follow me down the rabbit hole please. A few years back in the US, boutique studios became […]
Breathing Techniques are Wonderful – by Amit Younger
I am taking a deep breath (diaphragmatic breath… as I am not doing Pilates right now, only writing about it…) and thinking- where should I start my reply to Brett’s lovely article. I must start with the cat story because despite the smile it brought to my face I have […]
The Dangers of Breathing Techniques – by Brett Miller
We are back at it again today with an online debate about a popular Pilates topic, breathing techniques, and my esteemed “debatteur du jour” is Amit Younger of pilatesod.com. I find breathing techniques useless and counterproductive, and in extreme cases life threatening. On the other hand, Amit loves them. Amit […]
Just the facts….Correcting Misconceptions of JP’s History – By Kathy Corey
I am always shocked when I teach at a conference or hear people talking about the history of Joseph Pilates. There is still so much misinformation about the man and his life. The Internet promotes these falsehoods with many articles that have not been updated. In fact, while writing this […]