Probably much like a non osteopath’s approach to Pilates I am constantly energised by how deepening my knowledge and experience constantly evolves how I practice. I initially started learning to be a Pilates instructor to fill a gap in my knowledge about safe and effective exercise for my clients, really […]
5 Pressing Reasons to Continue your Pilates Education – Andrea Maida
Romana’s Pilates Continuing Professional Education Seminar with Cynthia Lochard Garland Studios, Sherman Oaks, CA Post-workshop on Saturday afternoon, 5pm-ish…driving south towards I-5 after first procuring a treat for the trip back to San Diego. It’s been nearly 7 hours of Pilates, friends… Someone needs a cookie. The left side […]
From Sceptic To Convert – by Jehane Lindley
A new client walks in, they have been referred and this will be their first experience of Pilates. Unsure of what to expect but not believing it will be much, they sit wide-eyed, waiting. Recognising this ‘first-timer expression’ you approach them to do the meet and greet. For the most […]
Personal Profile – Jon the Osteopath
I guess you have noticed, we usually like to have an article about a person in the Pilates community in each edition. Today is no different. Want to introduce you to a sensitive and dedicated fellow who joined Pilates Intel a few weeks back, an Osteopath based in London, Jon […]
9 Myths and Misconceptions about Pilates – by Kathy Corey
When I tell people that I’m a master Pilates trainer, I get a lot of interesting reactions. People who practice and love Pilates are quick to ask their burning questions or express their envy at my “dream” job. But many people who are less familiar with the popular form of […]
A Pilates Documentary – by Mark Pedri and Carrie McCarthy
Why isn’t there a film about Pilates? Sure, there have been films about people who do Pilates, but there isn’t a movie that is purely dedicated to the work created by Joseph H. Pilates. Why not? Filmmaker, Mark Pedri found himself asking this exact question after a friend introduced him […]
Fatal Simplicity – by Brett Miller
Until recently, before starting this magazine, I’ll admit I did very little reading of blogs, or to put it more succinctly, none at all. This lack of prior interest in no way reflects how impressed and even slightly envious I am of people who write blogs – it takes creativity, […]
Coming of Age – by Jehane Lindley
Beginning to teach Pilates is an experience I would acquit to being adolescent. Not in the hormonal or rebellious way but in a way that begs an answer to the question, ‘Who Am I?’ Now before you make any wise cracks, I’m aware adolescence is not so far in my […]
Out of the Studio, Into Our Bodies – by Benjamin Degenhardt
Of course you already know how important daily movement is for you. You read about all the amazing benefits for your body, mind, spirit, and its contribution to an overall happy and healthy life. After all, it’s what you preach day in and day out. But truth be told – […]
Teaching topic – Do you believe your center? by Brett Miller
Maria and Jonas are a couple and train with me together, bi-weekly, as Jonas’ work takes him out of Stockholm every other week, during which Maria takes a private. This particular session, I have them on the Cadillac doing the Teaser with the Pull-down bar- one of my favourite exercises […]
Teaching Topic – Reaching Effectiveness in Our Actions; a Feldenkrais approach to Pilates
Did you know that most people over the age of 45 would choose to walk around a fence instead of jumping over it? It’s hardly strange considering it might be viewed as child’s play, because in a way, it is. As adults, people train in gyms or ride to work, […]
Teaching Topic – Working Symmetrically
“For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple and wrong.” – H. L. Mencken This week I thought I’d take up a subject that is close to my heart, one that I’ve been looking into for some time now in both myself and my clients. And that […]
The ambition of Pilates Intel
The ambition of Pilates Intel Welcome, welcome, WELCOME you to the very first edition of Pilates Intel , the newsletter advocating a global community of Pilates instructors. I thought I would make the very first letter about what this newsletter is about, who I am and what my ambitions are for this venture, which […]